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  1. Desmoglein 1 (DSG1) is the target protein in the skin disease exudative epidermitis in pigs caused by virulent strains of Staphylococcus hyicus. The exfoliative toxins produced by S. hyicus digest the porcine des...

    Authors: Lise Daugaard, Lars Ole Andresen and Merete Fredholm
    Citation: BMC Veterinary Research 2007 3:4
  2. Injury to the supraspinous ligament (SSL) is reported to cause back pain in the horse. The diagnosis is based on clinical examination and confirmed by ultrasonographic examination. The ultrasonographic appeara...

    Authors: Frances MD Henson, Luis Lamas, Sabina Knezevic and Leo B Jeffcott
    Citation: BMC Veterinary Research 2007 3:3
  3. Atypical scrapie is a recently recognised form of transmissible spongiform encephalopathy of sheep that differs from classical scrapie in its neuropathological and biochemical features. Most cases are detected...

    Authors: Timm Konold, Andrew Davis, Gemma Bone, John Bracegirdle, Sharon Everitt, Melanie Chaplin, Ginny C Saunders, Saira Cawthraw and Marion M Simmons
    Citation: BMC Veterinary Research 2007 3:2
  4. Colic (abdominal pain) is a clinical condition of serious concern affecting the welfare and survival of donkeys at the Donkey Sanctuary in the UK. One of the most commonly reported causes is due to impacted in...

    Authors: Ruth Cox, Christopher J Proudman, Andrew F Trawford, Faith Burden and Gina L Pinchbeck
    Citation: BMC Veterinary Research 2007 3:1
  5. Prion diseases are characterised by a neurodegenerative pattern in which the function of immune system remains still elusive. In the present study, we evaluate if an exogenous treatment with Interleukin-12 (IL...

    Authors: Paolo Pasquali, Romolo Nonno, Maria Teresa Mandara, Michele Angelo Di Bari, Giovanni Ricci, Paola Petrucci, Silvia Capuccini, Claudia Cartoni, Agostino Macrì and Umberto Agrimi
    Citation: BMC Veterinary Research 2006 2:37
  6. The objective of this proteomics study was to identify proteins that changed expression as a result of copper challenge in the uniquely copper sensitive North Ronaldsay sheep and further, to compare those chan...

    Authors: Deborah M Simpson, Ali Mobasheri, Susan Haywood and Robert J Beynon
    Citation: BMC Veterinary Research 2006 2:36
  7. During systemic gram-negative bacterial infections, lipopolysaccharide (LPS) ligation to the hepatic Toll-like receptor-4 complex induces the production of hepatic acute phase proteins that are involved in the...

    Authors: Honghe Cao, Leah C Kabaroff, Qiumei You, Alexander Rodriguez, Herman J Boermans and Niel A Karrow
    Citation: BMC Veterinary Research 2006 2:34
  8. Streptococcus uberis is a common cause of bovine mastitis and recommended control measures, based on improved milking practice, teat dipping and antibiotic treatment at drying-off, are poorly efficient against th...

    Authors: Florence B Gilbert, Angélina Fromageau, Jérémy Lamoureux and Bernard Poutrel
    Citation: BMC Veterinary Research 2006 2:33
  9. Indian cattle (Bos indicus) and riverine buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) give a poor yield of milk but it has a high fat and protein percentage compared to taurine cattle. The identification of QTLs (Quantitative Trait...

    Authors: Madhu S Tantia, Ramesh K Vijh, Bishnu P Mishra, Bina Mishra, ST Bharani Kumar and Monika Sodhi
    Citation: BMC Veterinary Research 2006 2:32
  10. Given the theoretical proposal that bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) could have originated from sheep scrapie, this study investigated the pathogenicity for cattle, by intracerebral (i.c.) inoculation, o...

    Authors: Timm Konold, Yoon Hee Lee, Michael J Stack, Claire Horrocks, Robert B Green, Melanie Chaplin, Marion M Simmons, Steve AC Hawkins, Richard Lockey, John Spiropoulos, John W Wilesmith and Gerald AH Wells
    Citation: BMC Veterinary Research 2006 2:31
  11. Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) is a highly contagious viral disease of even-toed ungulates. Serological diagnosis/surveillance of FMD presents several problems as there are seven serotypes worldwide and in the e...

    Authors: Barend M deC Bronsvoort, Nils Toft, Ingrid E Bergmann, Karl-Johan Sørensen, John Anderson, Viviane Malirat, Vincent N Tanya and Kenton L Morgan
    Citation: BMC Veterinary Research 2006 2:30
  12. Dogs are associated with more than 60 zoonotic diseases among which, parasitosis and, in particular, helminthosis, can pose serious public-health concerns worldwide. Many canine gastrointestinal parasites elim...

    Authors: Laura Rinaldi, Annibale Biggeri, Sabrina Carbone, Vincenzo Musella, Dolores Catelan, Vincenzo Veneziano and Giuseppe Cringoli
    Citation: BMC Veterinary Research 2006 2:29
  13. The rate of pubertal development and weaning to estrus interval are correlated and affect reproductive efficiency of swine. Quantitative trait loci (QTL) for age of puberty, nipple number and ovulation rate ha...

    Authors: Dan J Nonneman, Tommy H Wise, J Joe Ford, Larry A Kuehn and Gary A Rohrer
    Citation: BMC Veterinary Research 2006 2:28
  14. Colic is an important cause of mortality and morbidity in domesticated horses yet many questions about this condition remain to be answered. One such question is: does season have an effect on the occurrence o...

    Authors: Debra C Archer, Gina L Pinchbeck, Christopher J Proudman and Helen E Clough
    Citation: BMC Veterinary Research 2006 2:27
  15. In November 2002, an anonymous postal survey of sheep farmers in Great Britain (GB) was conducted to identify factors associated with the flock-level occurrence of scrapie. This survey was undertaken to update...

    Authors: K Marie McIntyre, Simon Gubbins, S Kumar Sivam and Matthew Baylis
    Citation: BMC Veterinary Research 2006 2:25
  16. The genetic diversity of Anaplasma platys (Rickettsiales: Anaplasmataceae) strains is currently poorly defined. The present study was designed to characterize A. patys strains in dogs from Palermo, Sicily, Italy,...

    Authors: José de la Fuente, Alessandra Torina, Victoria Naranjo, Silviane Nicosia, Angelina Alongi, Francesco La Mantia and Katherine M Kocan
    Citation: BMC Veterinary Research 2006 2:24
  17. Porcine congenital splayleg (PCS) is the most important congenital condition of piglets, associated with lameness and immobility, of unknown aetiology and pathogenesis, hence the need to better understand the ...

    Authors: Peck-Toung Ooi, Nuno da Costa, Julia Edgar and Kin-Chow Chang
    Citation: BMC Veterinary Research 2006 2:23
  18. Diarrhea and mortality resulting from infections with enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) are of major economic importance in the rabbit meat industry. There is a growing need for an effective vaccine to cop...

    Authors: Tim Stakenborg, Dominique Vandekerchove, Jonas Mariën, Hans Laevens, Hein Imberechts and Johan Peeters
    Citation: BMC Veterinary Research 2006 2:22
  19. Scrapie and bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) belongs to the group of animal transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE). BSE epidemic in the UK and elsewhere in Europe has been linked to the use of bov...

    Authors: Loredana Ingrosso, Beatriz Novoa, Andrea Z Dalla Valle, Franco Cardone, Raquel Aranguren, Marco Sbriccoli, Simona Bevivino, Marcello Iriti, Quanguo Liu, Vito Vetrugno, Mei Lu, Franco Faoro, Salvatore Ciappellano, Antonio Figueras and Maurizio Pocchiari
    Citation: BMC Veterinary Research 2006 2:21
  20. Because the incubation period of scrapie has a strong host genetic component and a dose-response relationship, it is possible that changes will occur during an outbreak, especially in the genotypes of cases, a...

    Authors: K Marie McIntyre, Simon Gubbins, Wilfred Goldmann, Emily Stevenson and Matthew Baylis
    Citation: BMC Veterinary Research 2006 2:20
  21. Diagnosis based on prion detection in lymph nodes of sheep and goats can improve active surveillance for scrapie and, if it were circulating, for bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE). With sizes that allow r...

    Authors: Jan PM Langeveld, Jorg G Jacobs, Jo HF Erkens, Alex Bossers, Fred G van Zijderveld and Lucien JM van Keulen
    Citation: BMC Veterinary Research 2006 2:19
  22. DNA vaccination has been shown to elicit specific cellular and humoral immune responses to many different agents in a broad variety of species. However, looking at a commercial use, the duration of the immune ...

    Authors: Karolien Loots, Bart Vleugels, Ellen Ons, Daisy Vanrompay and Bruno Maria Goddeeris
    Citation: BMC Veterinary Research 2006 2:18
  23. We compared skin biopsy samples from different anatomical regions for detecting Leishmania in dogs, using histological (HE), immunohistochemical (IHC) and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) techniques.

    Authors: Sílvio Coura Xavier, Hélida Monteiro de Andrade, Semíramis Jamil Hadad Monte, Ingrid Maria Chiarelli, Wanderson Geraldo Lima, Marilene Suzan Marques Michalick, Washington Luiz Tafuri and Wagner Luiz Tafuri
    Citation: BMC Veterinary Research 2006 2:17
  24. Piroplasmosis in cattle is caused by tick-borne haemoprotozoan parasites of the genera Theileria and Babesia. Molecular detection techniques offer higher sensitivity and specificity than microscopy examination me...

    Authors: Josune García-Sanmartín, Daniel Nagore, Ana L García-Pérez, Ramón A Juste and Ana Hurtado
    Citation: BMC Veterinary Research 2006 2:16
  25. Inguinal hernias are usually caused by a congenital defect, which occurs as a weakness of the inguinal canal. Porcine β-glucuronidase gene (GUSB) was chosen as functional candidate gene because of its involvement...

    Authors: Julia Beck, Kirsten Bornemann-Kolatzki, Christoph Knorr, Helge Taeubert and Bertram Brenig
    Citation: BMC Veterinary Research 2006 2:14
  26. Feline herpesvirus 1 (FHV-1) is a common cause of respiratory and ocular disease in cats. Especially in young kittens that have not yet reached the age of vaccination, but already lost maternal immunity, sever...

    Authors: K van der Meulen, B Garré, S Croubels and H Nauwynck
    Citation: BMC Veterinary Research 2006 2:13
  27. Degenerative suspensory ligament desmitis (DSLD) is a debilitating disorder thought to be limited to suspensory ligaments of Peruvian Pasos, Peruvian Paso crosses, Arabians, American Saddlebreds, American Quar...

    Authors: Jaroslava Halper, Byoungjae Kim, Ahrar Khan, Jung Hae Yoon and PO Eric Mueller
    Citation: BMC Veterinary Research 2006 2:12
  28. Postweaning diarrhoea (PWD) in pigs is usually the main infectious problem of large-scale farms and is responsible for significant losses worldwide. The disease is caused mainly by enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC) ...

    Authors: Hung Vu Khac, Emil Holoda, Emil Pilipcinec, Miguel Blanco, Jesús E Blanco, Azucena Mora, Ghizlane Dahbi, Cecilia López, Enrique A González and Jorge Blanco
    Citation: BMC Veterinary Research 2006 2:10
  29. Coat colours in canines have many natural phenotypic variants. Some of the genes and alleles involved also cause genetic developmental defects, which are also observed in humans and mice. We studied the geneti...

    Authors: Benoit Hédan, Sébastien Corre, Christophe Hitte, Stéphane Dréano, Thierry Vilboux, Thomas Derrien, Bernard Denis, Francis Galibert, Marie-Dominique Galibert and Catherine André
    Citation: BMC Veterinary Research 2006 2:9
  30. Chemical immobilization of Weddell seals (Leptonychotes weddellii) has previously been, for the most part, problematic and this has been mainly attributed to the type of immobilizing agent used. In addition to in...

    Authors: Kathryn E Wheatley, Corey JA Bradshaw, Robert G Harcourt, Lloyd S Davis and Mark A Hindell
    Citation: BMC Veterinary Research 2006 2:8
  31. In a previous study, it was demonstrated that high replication of Porcine circovirus 2 (PCV2) in a gnotobiotic pig was correlated with the absence of PCV2-neutralizing antibodies. The aim of the present study ...

    Authors: Peter Meerts, Gerald Misinzo, David Lefebvre, Jens Nielsen, Anette Bøtner, Charlotte S Kristensen and Hans J Nauwynck
    Citation: BMC Veterinary Research 2006 2:6
  32. Staphylococcus intermedius has been isolated from healthy dogs and pigeons as well as diseased dogs. Similar to Staphylococcus aureus, S. intermedius is known to carry many virulence factors but most of these fac...

    Authors: Keiko Futagawa-Saito, William Ba-Thein, Naomi Sakurai and Tsuguaki Fukuyasu
    Citation: BMC Veterinary Research 2006 2:4
  33. A key challenge for modelling infectious disease dynamics is to understand the spatial spread of infection in real landscapes. This ideally requires a parallel record of spatial epidemic spread and a detailed ...

    Authors: Nicholas J Savill, Darren J Shaw, Rob Deardon, Michael J Tildesley, Matthew J Keeling, Mark EJ Woolhouse, Stephen P Brooks and Bryan T Grenfell
    Citation: BMC Veterinary Research 2006 2:3
  34. A panel of 37 rabies virus isolates were collected and studied, originating mainly from the northern and central regions of Namibia, between 1980 and 2003.

    Authors: Karen Mansfield, Lorraine McElhinney, Otto Hübschle, Felix Mettler, Claude Sabeta, Louis H Nel and Anthony R Fooks
    Citation: BMC Veterinary Research 2006 2:2
  35. At present, six accessible sequences of 16S rDNA from Taylorella equigenitalis (T. equigenitalis) are available, whose sequence differences occur at a few nucleotide positions. Thus it is important to determine t...

    Authors: M Matsuda, A Tazumi, S Kagawa, T Sekizuka, O Murayama, JE Moore and BC Millar
    Citation: BMC Veterinary Research 2006 2:1
  36. Pancreatic beta cells express ATP-sensitive potassium (KATP) channels that are needed for normal insulin secretion and are targets for drugs that modulate insulin secretion. The KATP channel is composed of two su...

    Authors: Vicky R Donley, Erin K Hiskett, Aimee C Kidder and Thomas Schermerhorn
    Citation: BMC Veterinary Research 2005 1:8
  37. We have previously described microscopic and electron microscopic alterations in lymphoid organs of PCV2 inoculated mice as apoptosis. In this study we wanted to investigate the molecular pathogenetic mechanis...

    Authors: Matti Kiupel, Gregory W Stevenson, Elizabeth J Galbreath, Adam North, Harm HogenEsch and Suresh K Mittal
    Citation: BMC Veterinary Research 2005 1:7
  38. Lymphocyte function-associated antigen-1 (LFA-1, CD11a/CD18, alphaLbeta2), the most abundant and widely expressed beta2-integrin, is required for many cellular adhesive interactions during the immune response....

    Authors: Philippe GAC Vanden Bergh, Thomas Fett, Laurent LM Zecchinon, Anne VT Thomas and Daniel JM Desmecht
    Citation: BMC Veterinary Research 2005 1:5
  39. Cellular prion protein expression is essential for the development of transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs), and in sheep, genetic susceptibility to scrapie has been associated to PrP gene polymorphism...

    Authors: David Garcia-Crespo, Ramón A Juste and Ana Hurtado
    Citation: BMC Veterinary Research 2005 1:3

    The Erratum to this article has been published in BMC Veterinary Research 2006 2:26

  40. Salmonella enterica serovar Gallinarum (S. Gallinarum) is the causative agent of fowl typhoid, a severe systemic disease of chickens that results in high mortality amongst infected flocks. Due to its virulence, t...

    Authors: Paul Wigley, Scott Hulme, Claire Powers, Richard Beal, Adrian Smith and Paul Barrow
    Citation: BMC Veterinary Research 2005 1:2
  41. The distinctive coat pattern of a Dalmatian is the result of the interaction of several loci. While the encoded function of these genes is not fully understood, it is known the Piebald, Ticking, and Flecking loci...

    Authors: Edward J Cargill, Thomas R Famula, Robert D Schnabel, George M Strain and Keith E Murphy
    Citation: BMC Veterinary Research 2005 1:1

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