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Table 5 Inclusion and exclusion criteria and search terms for aURTDa, FLUTDb and abscesses

From: Antimicrobial use for selected diseases in cats in Switzerland


Inclusion criteria

Exclusion criteria

Search terms


Nasal discharge with infectious or unknown etiology lasting no longer than 2 weeks

Evidence of fungal infection, neoplasia or involvement of the lower respiratory tract

Upper respiratory tract infection, rhinotracheitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, nasal discharge, sneezing, coughing, stridor, dyspnea, tachypnea, cat flu, herpes, calici, mycoplasma, chlamydia, laryngitis


Stranguria, pollakiuria, periuria, pigmenturia or dysuria and a diagnosis of bacterial cystitis, bladderstones, urethrastones, urethral plugs, idiopathic cystitis or cystitis of unknown origin

Involvement of the upper urinary tract

Lower urinary tract disease, FLUTDb, pollakiuria, polyuria, anuria, stranguria, dysuria, hematuria, bloody urine, urinary stones, bladder stones, urolithiasis, concrements, cystitis, urethra obstruction, urinary tract infection, UTI, urinary incontinence


Bite abscesses or abscesses of unknown origin

Anal gland abscesses, tooth root abscesses, foreign body abscesses

Abscess, bite wound, bite, pus

  1. ªaURTD, acute upper respiratory tract disease; bFLUTD, feline lower urinary tract disease