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Table 6 Ethogram used in this experiment

From: Porcine ear necrosis is associated with social behaviours in weaned piglets




Inactive behaviours

Standing inactive

Standing on all four legs without performing any activity

Lying inactive with eyes opened

Ventral or lateral recumbency with eyes open without performing any activity

Lying inactive with eyes closed

Ventral or lateral recumbency with eyes closed and head resting on the floor

Social behaviours

Nosing pen mate while standing

Touching, gently rubbing, nibbling or licking the body of a pen mate with the snout while standing

Aggressing pen mate

Head or shoulder knock, aggressively biting at any part of the body of a pen mate

Manipulating orally pen mate

Biting, sucking, chewing or nibbling the tail, ear or any part of the body of a pen mates.

Non-social exploratory behaviours

Manipulating orally enrichment objects

Chewing, nosing, sniffing, touching or rooting on objects in the pen (chain or wooden toy) with the snout

Pen surface exploration

Nosing, sniffing, touching or rooting on the floor or the pen fixtures with the snout, scraping the floor

Locomotion behaviours


Walking in the pen

Maintenance behaviours


Eating from the feeder or nosing, sniffing, touching, rooting the feeder with the snout


Drinking water from drinker or nosing, sniffing, touching, rooting the drinker with the snout


Defecating or urinating