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Table 2 Posterior median and 95% credible interval (CI95) for a conditional independent test for the determination of sensitivity (Se) and specificity (Sp) of three Mycoplasma bovis antibody ELISA tests on 156 bulk tank milk from dairy herds while using four different cutoff values for the sample-to-positive percentage (S/P%) of the ID-screen. The optimal cutoff value of ≥ 50% for the ID-screen (bold) was used for further Bayesian latent class modelling

From: Diagnostic performance of Mycoplasmopsis bovis antibody ELISA tests on bulk tank milk from dairy herds

Test cutoff (S/P%)

ID-screen≥ 30%

ID-screen≥ 50%

ID-screen≥ 100%

ID-screen≥ 150% *

Se (%) (CI95)

Sp (%) (CI95)

Se (%)


Sp (%)


Se (%)


Sp (%)


Se (%)


Sp (%)



91.4 (70.7–99.7)

67.2 (53.6–92.6)

91.6 (66.5–99.7)

80.5 (68.5–96.7)

78.7 (46.6–98.6)

93.1 (84.6–99.4)

13.7 (0.32–82.5)

93.8 (18.9–99.7)

Bio K432≥ 40%b

25.6 (12.4–50.5)

96.8 (91.1–99.7)

37.4 (18.2–74.5)

97.7 (93.0-99.8)

45.2 (22.5–82.6)

97.0 (92.1–99.7)

21.9 (0.85–91.1)

90.0 (9.46–99.2)

Bio K302≥ 37%c

69.2 (43.3–96.4)

85.8 (74.8–97.4)

66.8 (43.2–92.0)

79.3 (69.9–88.6)

69.0 (45.2–92.3)

76.8 (68.1–86.0)

44.1 (15.8–95.5)

66.7 (0.48–84.8)


30.8 (14.4–56.1)


22.2 (9.71–41.3)


16.8 (7.30–31.9)


28.9 (3.7–96.2)

  1. a The following cut-off values for ID-screen were used: ≥30%, ≥ 50%, ≥ 100%, and ≥150, b Cut-off value for Bio K 432: ≥40%, c Cut-off value for Bio K 302: ≥37%
  2. * Results for cutoff value of ≥ 150% were obtained by using ‘generation inits’ and resulted in very broad, not useful, CI95