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Table 4 Degree of uterine torsion in UtrTorsgr (n = 160) and UtrTors-Medgr (n = 40) in buffalo-cows

From: Comparative study between efficacy of dexamethasone-prostaglandin-receptal combination and mechanical correction in uterine torsion cases in Egyptian buffalo-cows (Bubalus bubalis)

Degree of uterine torsion



< 180 o



160 (UtrTorsgr)

3 (UtrTors-Medgr)

80% (UtrTorsgr)

1.5% (UtrTors-Medgr)

> 180 o

37 (UtrTors-Medgr)

18.5% (UtrTors-Medgr)

  1. UtrTorsgr: Mechanically corrected uterine torsed animals without medicament interference. UtrTors-Medgr: Mechanically corrected uterine torsed animals with medicament interference