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Table 10 Mean values of buffalo-cow’s milk composition and somatic cell count (SCC) in Norm-Labgr (n = 20), UtrTorsgr (n = 160) and UtrTors-Medgr (n = 40)

From: Comparative study between efficacy of dexamethasone-prostaglandin-receptal combination and mechanical correction in uterine torsion cases in Egyptian buffalo-cows (Bubalus bubalis)





Reference values

Protein %

4.6 ± 0.15a

4.41 ± 0.21a

4.33 ± 0.17a

(3.60–3.85)57 or (3.77 ± 0.26)58

Fat %

6.87 ± 0.23a

6.35 ± 0.11a

6.45 ± 0.15a

(7.0–7.2)57 or (7.3 ± 0.5)58

Milk SNF %

10.95 ± 0.54a

10.76 ± 0.46a

10.55 ± 0.68a

(9.8–10.1)57 or (9.2 ± 0.2)58

Lactose %

5.82 ± 0.04a

5.52 ± 0.07a

5.71 ± 0.09a

(4.99–5.24)57 or (4.76 ± 0.18)58

Total solids %

17.65 ± 0.03a

17.28 ± 0.08a

18.04 ± 0.06a

(16.9–17.4)57 or (16.7 ± 0.1)58


6.3 ± 0.06a

6.4 ± 0.07a

6.5 ± 0.05a

(6.7 to 6.9)59

Milk SCC

(X 105 cells/ml)

1.69 ± 0.13a

1.72 ± 0.18a

1.78 ± 0.14a

(3.21 ± 0.179)60 or (0.39–1.76)61

  1. Norm-Labgr: Normal labored buffalo-cows. UtrTorsgr: Mechanically corrected uterine torsed animals without medicament interference. UtrTors-Medgr: Mechanically corrected uterine torsed animals with medicament interference. Milk SNF: milk solids not fat. Milk SCC: Somatic cell count. aMeans within the same row with different superscript capital letters between Norm-Labgr, UtrTorsgr and UtrTors-Medgr, were significantly different. Reference values according to Abd El-Salam and El-Shibiny [57]; Khan et al. [58]; Singh and Ludri [59]; Ahmad et al. [60]; Patil et al. [61]