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Table 1 Post-mortem gross malformations

From: Male pseudohermaphroditism in a complex malformed calf born with an acardius amorphus cotwin—a case report



Skeletal system

・Uneven number of left and right ribs (14 versus 13 ribs, respectively).

・1 subtrahend of the lumbar spine.

・Fusion of the transverse process of the 5th lumbar vertebra and the sacral wing of the 1st sacral vertebra.

・Defect from 2nd sacral vertebra to the caudal vertebra with spinal cord defect after cauda equina.

・Defect in the caudal vertebra.

・Deformation of the pelvis (insufficiency of ischial arch dilatation).

Circulatory organs

・Ventricular septal defect (Diameter: 1.7 cm).

・Patent foramen ovale (Diameter: 1.5 cm).

・Patent ductus arteriosus (Diameter: 0.5 cm).

Digestive organs

・Absence of anus

・Rectal atresia

Urinary organs

・Hypoplasia of the left and right kidneys.

・Aplasia in the left renal artery and ureter.

・Hypoplasia of right renal artery and ureter.

Genital organs

・Defects in the male accessory gonads.

・Indistinct opening of vas deferens