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Table 4 Concentrations (means + standard error of mean (SEM)) of estrogen, progesterone and cortisol in serum from Holstein cows at the time of the initial treatments with GnRH and PGF2α in the GPG program

From: The vaginal and uterine blood flow changes during the ovsynch program and its impact on the pregnancy rates in Holstein dairy cows

Time points

Hormonal levels


Progesterone (ng/dl)

Estrogen (pg/dl)

Cortisol (ng/dl)

First GnRH injection

0.54 ±0.17b

21.41 ±0.99a

0.49 ±0.04b

PGF2α injection

10.43 ± 0.17a

16.56 ± 0.78b

1.08 ± 0.02a

Second GnRH injection

2.07 ± 1.12b

25 ± 1.83a

0.5 ±0.02b

  1. Concentrations (means ± standard error of mean (SEM)) of estrogen, progesterone and cortisol in serum from Holstein cows at the time of the initial treatments with GnRH and PGF2α in the GPG program. Means with different superscripts (a,b) are significantly different between time points (P < 0.05)