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Fig. 1 | BMC Veterinary Research

Fig. 1

From: Molecular phylogeny of coronaviruses and host receptors among domestic and close-contact animals reveals subgenome-level conservation, crossover, and divergence

Fig. 1

Clustering patterns for representative α, β, or γ coronaviruses in domestic and close-contact animals. Phylogenetic trees built for the A spike (S), B envelope (E), C membrane (M) and D nucleocapsid (N) proteins. Viruses are clustered according to their α, β, or γ groupings. *MERS-like coronavirus (PREDICT/PDF-2180, Acc #: NC_034440.1) currently not belonging to a classified coronavirus is seen clustering among β-coronaviruses. E SimPlot analysis showing the similarity score between the whole genomes of canine coronavirus, PED virus, TGE virus and alpaca respiratory coronavirus with canine coronavirus (also referred to as canine enteric coronavirus) set as the query sequence

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