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Table 2 Occurrence of ‘Ca. M. haemosuis’ and M. suis in farms and on single animal level

From: Occurrence of ‘Candidatus Mycoplasma haemosuis’ in fattening pigs, sows and piglets in Germany using a novel gap-based quantitative real-time PCR assay


piglet producing farms


Ca. M. haemosuis’b

M. suisa

positive farms

3/21 (14.28%)

16/21 (76.19%)

farms with co-infections


3/21 (14.28%)

positive sows

13/208 (6.25%)

65/208 (31.25%)

positive piglets

28/622 (4.50%)

68/474 (14.35%)

 born from positive sows



 born from negative sows



co-infected sows


13/208 (6.25%)

co-infected piglets


4/474 (0.84%)


fattening farms


Ca. M. haemosuis’

M. suis

positive farms

9/20 (45.0%)

10/20 (50.0%)

farms with co-infections


8/20 (40.0%)

positive pigs

35/200 (17.5%)

38/200 (19.9%)

co-infected pigs


12/200 (6.0%)

  1. aIn the study of Stadler and co-workers [17]
  2. bThis study