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Fig. 2 | BMC Veterinary Research

Fig. 2

From: Clinical insights into the three-dimensional anatomy of cheek teeth in alpacas based on micro-computed tomography - Part 2: Maxillary cheek teeth

Fig. 2

Root canal numbering system of alpaca maxillary cheek teeth. Deciduous teeth are displayed in the grey box (upper left corner). Transverse slices presenting all different root canals at the level of specific Triadan positions are displayed. Pulpal tissue, dentin, enamel and cement are represented in pink, light brown, light yellow and grey, respectively. Root canals are numbered using Roman numerals (I to IV). An example of physical root contact is illustrated in the red box (upper right corner) on a longitudinal section of Triadans 110 and 111 (5-years old animal). The prevalence of root contact is expressed as a percentage adjacent to corresponding red or orange boxes

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