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Fig. 4 | BMC Veterinary Research

Fig. 4

From: S-ketamine and intranasal application: alternatives for the castration of male suckling piglets?

Fig. 4

Breaths 5 and 120 min. after castration/sham castration by group. The figure shows least square means and standard errors for breathing rates per min.; a: S-ketamine, i.m., surgical castration; b: R/S-ketamine, i.m., surgical castration; c: S-ketamine; i.n., surgical castration; d: R/S-ketamine, i.m., sham castration; e: no anaesthesia, surgical castration; f: no anaesthesia, sham castration; i.m.: intra muscular application; i.n. intra nasal application; groups with different lower cases were significantly different; ketamine always administered together with azaperone; all piglets received the NSAID Flunixine.i.m.: intra muscular application; i.n.: intra nasal application; values with the same lower case are not significantly different

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