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Table 5 (Q18) Selection (%) Ŧ of preferred reading material formats for keeping current with infectious disease research (given a choice of up to two [2] options), by role

From: Veterinarian barriers to knowledge translation (KT) within the context of swine infectious disease research: an international survey of swine veterinarians

  1. † Indirect oversight = non-practitioner that provides 1000 sows worth or less with direct veterinary services
  2. †† Direct oversight = practitioner or a non-practitioner that provides > 1000 sows worth with direct veterinary services
  3. Ŧ Cells are color conditioned on blue to white with higher percentages as darkest blue
  4. *Total does not add to 79 as respondents chose up to 2 options, **Other options reported included podcasts to listen to while driving, abstracts from papers, a summary report of the evidence, and a systematic review