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Fig. 7 | BMC Veterinary Research

Fig. 7

From: Saccharomyces cerevisiae fermentation products (SCFP) stabilize the ruminal microbiota of lactating dairy cows during periods of a depressed rumen pH

Fig. 7

Microbial metabolic functions (a) formate dehydrogenase alpha (FDH) subunit EC. and (b) methylmalonyl CoA mutase EC., based on subsystem annotation as affected by SCFP supplementation during the SARA challenge (single class LEfSe, P < 0.05). For both enzymes, the effects of SARA challenge, SCFP supplementation and their interaction were significant (P < 0.05). Abbreviations in figure: N_C, normal diet without SCFP supplementation; N_S, normal diet with SCFP supplementation; S_C, SARA challenge without SCFP supplementation; S_S, SARA challenge with SCFP supplementation. Bars within treatment groups represent the relative abundances of the enzyme in individual dairy cows (n = 8). The solid and dotted black lines represent the mean and median relative abundance values for each treatment group, respectively

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