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Fig. 6 | BMC Veterinary Research

Fig. 6

From: Canine platelets express functional Toll-like receptor-4: lipopolysaccharide-triggered platelet activation is dependent on adenosine diphosphate and thromboxane A2 in dogs

Fig. 6

LPS-mediated alpha-granule secretion is dependent on platelet TLR4. Platelet P-selectin (CD62P) measured as percent (%) positive platelets or mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) fold change on isolated platelets (1 × 107/ml) from 10 dogs using flow cytometry. a, b Platelets were treated with either 50 μg/ml TLR4 function blocking antibody or 50 μg/ml IgG2a before LPS stimulation (5 μg/ml) in absence or presence of ADP. TLR4 inhibition in LPS-treated had minimal effect on attenuating the numbers of P-selectin positive platelets (a) but significantly decreased P-selectin MFI fold change b in the presence or absence of ADP priming. Pretreatment of platelets with LPS-RS before LPS stimulation significantly decreased number of P-selectin postive platelets and MFI fold change only in ADP-primed platelets. First and third quartiles were represented by the lower and upper boundaries, respectively, and the line within the box represents the median. Whiskers represent the range of data. + represents the mean * p < 0.05, #Significance between all treatments and isotype controls (p<0.05)

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