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Table 3 Evaluation criteria used for ultrasound, computed tomography (CT) and computed tomography arthrography (CTA) to evaluate the menisci, meniscotibial ligaments and cranial cruciate ligament (CrCrL)

From: High-frequency ultrasound, computed tomography and computed tomography arthrography of the cranial cruciate ligament, menisci and cranial meniscotibial ligaments in 10 radiographically normal canine cadaver stifles







Overall visibility

0: not visible

1: poorly visible

2: moderately visible

3: well visible

0: not visible

1: poorly visible

2: moderately visible

3: well visible

0: not visible

1: poorly visible

2: moderately visible

3: well visible

Aspect internal structure

0: heterogeneous

1: homogeneous (for visualised part)

0: heterogeneous

1: homogeneous

0: heterogeneous

1: homogeneous


0: not triangular and smooth

1: triangular and smooth

0: not visible

1: poorly visible

2: moderately visible

3: well visible

0: not visible

1: poorly visible

2: moderately visible

3: well visible

Cranial menisco-tibial ligaments



0: not visible

1: poorly visible

2: moderately visible

3: well visible

0: not visible

1: poorly visible

2: moderately visible

3: well visible

0: not visible

1: poorly visible

2: moderately visible

3: well visible

Aspect internal structure

0: no longitudinal echoes detected

1: moderate longitudinal echo pattern

2: clear longitudinal echo pattern over entire width ligament

0: heterogeneous

1: homogeneous

0: heterogeneous

1: homogeneous


0: not visible

1: poorly visible

2: moderately visible

3: well visible

0: not visible

1: poorly visible

2: moderately visible

3: well visible

0: not visible

1: poorly visible

2: moderately visible

3: well visible

Caudal menisco-tibial ligaments



0: not visible

1: visible

0: not visible

1: poorly visible

2: moderately visible

3: well visible

0: not visible

1: poorly visible

2: moderately visible

3: well visible

Aspect internal structure


0: heterogeneous

1: homogeneous

0: heterogeneous

1: homogeneous



0: not visible

1: poorly visible

2: moderately visible

3: well visible

0: not visible

1: poorly visible

2: moderately visible

3: well visible

Cranial cruciate ligament

Visibility / structure identification

0: not visible

1: visible

0: not visible

1: poorly visible

2: moderately visible

3: well visible

0: not visible

1: poorly visible

2: moderately visible

3: well visible



0: not visible

1: poorly visible

2: moderately visible

3: well visible

0: not visible

1: poorly visible

2: moderately visible

3: well visible

0: not visible

1: poorly visible

2: moderately visible

3: well visible

Length outline visualized

In mm and % of total length CrCrL on CTA


Total length CrCrL in mm

Smoothness of outline

0: irregular

1: smooth


0: irregular

1: smooth

Aspect internal structure

0: no longitudinal echoes detected

1: moderate fibrillar pattern

2: clear fibrillar pattern over entire width ligament

0: heterogeneous

1: homogeneous

0: heterogeneous with contrast within ligament

1: homogeneous

Length longitudinal echoes visualized

In mm and % of total length CrCrL on CTA

