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Fig. 3. | BMC Veterinary Research

Fig. 3.

From: Asymptomatic infections with highly polymorphic Chlamydia suis are ubiquitous in pigs

Fig. 3.

Mid-point rooted NJ phylogenetic tree of the ompA variable domains 1-2. A 489-bp fragment encompassing C. suis ompA VD1-2 of 27 porcine C. suis strains identified in this study (in red font; name of strain, countries, sample type and accession number) are compared with 15 other C. suis sequences deposited in GenBank from six countries (Germany, Switzerland, Italy, USA, Japan and China). Branch lengths are measured in nucleotide substitutions and numbers show branching percentages in bootstrap replicates. Scale bar represents the percent sequence diversity.

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