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Table 3 Numbers of infected swine premises and premises with animal welfare conditions during a CSF outbreak

From: Estimating the scale of adverse animal welfare consequences of movement restriction and mitigation strategies in a classical swine fever outbreak

Outbreak scenario

Infected premises

Premises with animal welfare conditions

Single-site outbreaka

466 (443, 488)

1169 (603, 1224)

Multiple-site outbreak with 4 index premisesb

467 (446, 488)

1182 (1016, 1231)

Multiple-site outbreak with 17 index premisesb

590 (575, 606)

1277 (1233, 1307)

Multiple-site outbreak with 20 index premisesb

609 (596, 621)

1293 (1259, 1321)

Multiple-site outbreak with 26 index premisesb

614 (602, 625)

1289 (1248, 1319)

  1. Numbers are the median (25th and 75th percentiles)
  2. aThe results are for four single-site (i.e., an outbreak starts with one infected premises) CSF outbreak scenarios in Indiana combined
  3. bIndex premises are infected premises when an outbreak starts