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Fig. 7 | BMC Veterinary Research

Fig. 7

From: Antiproliferative effects of masitinib and imatinib against canine oral fibrosarcoma in vitro

Fig. 7

Cell viability following PDGFRB siRNA transfection. Effect of PDGFRB siRNA transfection on (a) CoFSA and (b) MBSa1 cell viability assessed via an MTS assay after 72 h of incubation, with representative photomicrographs of cells under each condition (CoFSA cells treated with (c) vehicle alone, d scrambled siRNA sequence, and e PDGFRB siRNA; MBSa1 cells f treated with vehicle alone, g scrambled siRNA sequence, and h PDGFRB siRNA). Scrambled siRNA sequence used to account for nonspecific, off-target effects. “*” indicates statistically significant (p < 0.05) differences in cell viability compared to vehicle-treated controls. Because siRNA transfection was performed during two independent experiments, statistical analysis for these data was performed using the 6 replicates within one representative siRNA experiment. Visual assessment of cellular appearance in PDGFRB siRNA treated samples (e and h) display apoptotic bodies and marked cellular morphologic deterioration

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