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Table 9 Details of numbers of dogs, pre- and post- treatment seizure frequency, period of treatment, doses of AED(s), seizure frequency reduction/response after the initiation of treatment and efficacy statements for each study

From: Treatment in canine epilepsy – a systematic review


Dewey et al.[18]

Kiviranta et al.[17]

Ruehlmann et al.[35]

AED evaluated




2 nd AED

PB (9 dogs)

PB (10 dogs)

PB (6 dogs)

3 rd AED

PBr (8 dogs)

PBr (8 dogs)


4 th AED


LEV (1 dogs)


No of dogs




Period of treatment (months)



median, 9

Dose of AED(s) (mg/kg)

Pregabalin: 2 PO TID (dose was increased up to until 3–4 PO TID); PB and PBr: NA but were within normal reference values

TPM: 5 PO BID for 2 m, then 10 PO BID for 2 m and then 10 PO TID for 2 m; PB and PBr and LEV: NA but were within normal reference values

Felbamate: median, 63 (initial dose) and 77 (final dose) PO SID; PB: 3.75 PO BID (stopped 2 m after felbamate started)

Pre-treatment SF (seizures/month)

median, 4.3; mean, 4.2; range, 2–6.3 (recorded over a period of 3 m)

median, 3.75; range, 2–9 (recorded over a period of 2 m)

median, 3.75 (recorded over a period of median 3.8 m)

Post-treatment SF (seizures/month)

median 1.7; mean 1.8; range 0.7-3.3

Range, 4·3 ± 2·5-4· 7 ± 5·0 (recorded at the 6th m)

2 seizures (in total)

No of dogs that were failures


3/10 (30%)


No of dogs with >0% - <50% reduction in SF

2/9 (22%)

2/10 (20%)


No of dogs with ≥50% - <100% reduction in SF

7/9 (78%)

3/10 (30%)

4/6 (66%)

No of dogs with 100% reduction in SF


2/10 (20%)

2/6 (34%)

No of dogs with >30% reduction in SF

7/9 (78%)

6/10 (60%)

6/6 (100%)

95% CI successfully treated cases

51% - 100%

19% - 81%


Overall evidence for/against recommending the use of an AED

Insufficient evidence for recommending the use of pregabalin as an adjunct AED.

Insufficient evidence for recommending the use of topiramate as an adjunct AED.

Insufficient evidence for recommending the use of felbamate as an adjunct AED.

  1. AED(s), anti-epileptic drug(s); BID, bis in die (twice daily); Chloraz, Chlorazepate; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; CL, confidence level; Diaz, Diazepam; Gaba, Gabapentin; IE, idiopathic epilepsy; LEV, Levetiracetam; m, month(s); NA, Not Available; PB, phenobarbital; PBr, potassium bromide; PO, per os; SF, seizure frequency; SID, semel in die (once daily); TID, ter in die (three times daily); TPM, Topiramate; w, week(s).