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Table 2 The scoring criteria for clinical symptoms

From: Pathogenicity, colonization, and innate immune response to Pasteurella multocida in rabbits


Respiratory symptoms


0 (normal)

Eyes and nose is clean with no discharge, normal breathing

No diarrhea, the fur around perianal area and tail is dry and clean

1 (mild)

Serous discharge from eyes or nose

Soft to loose stool, no fecal material adhering to fur

2 (moderate)

Mucopurulent nasal discharge, increased respiratory rate

Loose stool or mixed with mucus, liquid fecal material adhering to fur

3 (severe)

Excessive mucopurulent nasal discharge, tachypnea, pulmonary murmur

Projectile watery stool with mucus, fecal material covering large portions of the perianal area, hind limbs, and tail.