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Fig. 5 | BMC Veterinary Research

Fig. 5

From: Streptomyces coeruleorubidus as a potential biocontrol agent for Newcastle disease virus

Fig. 5

Histological examination of the chorioallantoic membrane after allantoic inoculation of NDV and telomycin mixture in SPF-ECE. A: normal chorionic and allantoic epithelium (arrowhead) with a visible stromal region (star) in telomycin group. B: hyperplastic and vacuolated chorioallantoic epithelium (arrowhead) and increased thickness of connective tissue layer (star) with numerous hyperemic blood vessels (arrow) in the positive control group. C: preserved structures of CAM with the presence of dilated capillary networks (arrow) in NDV and telomycin treated group (H&E X200)

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