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Fig. 1 | BMC Veterinary Research

Fig. 1

From: Effects of steam-flaked grains on foals’ growth and faecal microbiota

Fig. 1

The effect of the source of grains on the total and average daily increases of body weight and body size of the foals. a Box and whisker plots showing the total weight gain of foals from different grain sources during the trial period. b A box-and-whisker plot showing the effect of different grain sources on the total body height of the foal during the trial period. c A box-and-whisker plot showing the effect of different grain sources on the total increase in foal body length during the trial period. d Box and whisker plots showing the effect of different grain sources on the total chest circumference of the foal during the trial period.(E) Box and whisker plots showing the increase in the total cannon circumference of foals from different grain sources during the trial period

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