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Fig. 4 | BMC Veterinary Research

Fig. 4

From: Analytical characterization of trace elements (zinc, copper, cadmium, lead and selenium) in saliva of pigs under common pathological conditions in the field: a pilot study

Fig. 4

Concentration of the salivary acute phase proteins, Hp (a) and CRP (b) and ADA (c) in clinically healthy pigs (n = 15), and in pigs suffered from lameness (n = 13), rectal prolapse (n = 9), fatigue (n = 9) and growth rate retardation (n = 11). Box-and-whisker plot showing median (horizontal line inside box), mean (plus symbol), 25 and 75 percentiles (edge of box), 10 and 90 percentiles (whiskers) and individual data points beyond (filled circle); significant pairwise comparisons are noted (adjusted p)

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