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Table 1 The Obel method of laminitis diagnosis and severity grading (Obel, 1948)

From: The application of a new laminitis scoring method to model the rate and pattern of improvement from equine endocrinopathic laminitis in a clinical setting

Laminitis grade

Grade description


Horse appears sound

Obel grade 1

At rest, the horse shifts its weight between the forelimbs; the horse is sound at the walk, but the gait is stilted at the trot in a straight line and on turning

Obel grade 2

The gait is stilted at the walk and the horse turns with great difficulty, but one forelimb can be lifted

Obel grade 3

The horse is reluctant to walk and one forelimb can only be lifted with great difficulty

Obel grade 4

The horse will only move if forced to