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Fig. 4 | BMC Veterinary Research

Fig. 4

From: High-frequency ultrasound, computed tomography and computed tomography arthrography of the cranial cruciate ligament, menisci and cranial meniscotibial ligaments in 10 radiographically normal canine cadaver stifles

Fig. 4

Cranial proximolateral-distomedial oblique sagittal ultrasonographic image of the left stifle of dog 5 in flexion. The tibial insertion of the cranial meniscotibial ligament of the medial meniscus is visible, with a clear fibrillar pattern (red line). The abaxial aspect of the ligament becomes hypoechoic because of the anisotropy artifact. Note the insertion of the CrCrL on the tibia, deep to the cranial meniscotibial ligament of the medial meniscus (arrow). T: tibia; *: infrapatellar fat pad. Lateral is left in the image

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