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Table 1 Mean ± SD, 95% confidence interval and difference between LL and CLs for CM, Cop Path Length, CrCI, PVF, VI and statokinesiograms. a means significant difference

From: Center of pressure limb path differences for the detection of lameness in dogs: a preliminary study





Cm (%)

44.85 ± 5.12

31.13 ± 7.61

a13.72 ± 0.94

40.86, 48.84

27.14, 35.12

11.83, 15.61

COP Path Length (%)

42.00 ± 4.94

55.68 ± 9.92

a13.69 ± 0.97

37.05, 46.95

50.73, 60.63

11.74, 15.63

CrCI (%)

31.07 ± 4.49

44.01 ± 6.75

a12.94 ± 1.23

28.08, 34.06

41.02, 47.01

10.47, 15.42

CPEI (%)

4.57 ± 1.65

9.30 ± 1.78

a4.73 ± 0.35

3.65, 5.49

8.38, 10.22

4.02, 5.44

PVF (%)

32.72 ± 4.66

71.12 ± 3.57

a38.40 ± 0.78

31.13, 34.31

69.53, 72.71

36.84, 39.96

VI (%)

13.49 ± 1.32

22.93 ± 1.58

a9.44 ± 0.24

12.80, 14.18

22.24, 13.62

8.96, 9.92

Statokinesiogram (mm2)

16.18 ± 6.10

5.70 ± 3.43

a10.48 ± 0.75

13.16, 19.19

2.68, 8.71

8.98, 11.98

  1. Cm Caudal margin, CrCI Craniocaudal index, CPEI Center of pressure excursion index