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Table 1 Total clinical score

From: A randomized placebo-controlled trial of the efficacy and safety of a terbinafine, florfenicol and betamethasone topical ear formulation in dogs for the treatment of bacterial and/or fungal otitis externa

Clinical sign

Score ‘0’ descriptor

Score ‘1’ descriptor

Score ‘2’ descriptor


None noted

Mild/moderate; painful on palpation

Severe: painful when raising pinna


None noted

Mild/moderate: barely perceptible to obvious redness visible with an otoscope

Severe: beet or cherry red or erythema extends into pinna


None noted

Mild/moderate: small amount to moderate amounts visible in ear canal

Severe: extending out of ear canal and may be crusted


None noted

Mild/moderate: minimal occlusion to moderate occlusion of ear canal

Severe: canal completely occluded


None noted

Mild/moderate: malodor evident when pinna is raised

Severe: malodor evident without raising pinna to expose ear canal


None noted

Mild/moderate: mild abrasions

Severe: abrasions that may be bleeding