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Fig. 1 | BMC Veterinary Research

Fig. 1

From: Immunohistochemical staining patterns of alpha-keratins in normal tissues from two reptile species: implications for characterization of squamous cell carcinomas

Fig. 1

Immunohistochemical detection of acidic alpha-keratin (AE1 positive) (a, c-f) and basic alpha-keratin (AE3 positive) (b) in normal tissues from bearded dragons (Pogona vitticeps). a Epidermis; note the intense immunoreactivity detected in the inner cornified layer (alpha-layer) (bold arrow); note also the intracytoplasmic immunoreactivity in some suprabasal cells incorporated into the alpha-layer (thin arrows). Bar = 40 μm. b Epidermis; note the weak immunoreactivity detected in all layers except the cornified layer. Bar = 60 μm. c Gastric mucosa showing moderate immunoreactivity in the surface epithelium; only some gastric glands (arrows) showed immunoreactivity. Bar = 120 μm. d Small intestine epithelium showing intense immunoreactivity. Bar = 120 μm. e Liver; note the moderate immunoreactivity in the hepatocytes (thin arrows) and the intense immunoreactivity in a biliary duct (bold arrow). Bar = 40 μm. f Lung; moderate immunoreactivity in the respiratory epithelia, included the faveolar epithelium (arrows). Bar = 120 μm. Dako EnVision+ System, Harris haematoxylin counterstain

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