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Table 2 Post-operative pain scoring scale used at the WVS ITC

From: Investigation of short-term surgical complications in a low-resource, high-volume dog sterilisation clinic in India

Pain score

Clinical signs often associated with degree of pain

0 No pain

Bright, eating, sleeping comfortably, grooming, affectionate

1 Mild discomfort

Eats, sleeps, resists surgical palpation, not depressed

2 Mild pain

Picks at food, guards surgical area, slightly depressed

3 Mild to moderate

Inappetant, guards/ looks/ licks/ chews surgical area, unrelaxed, whimpers

4 Moderate

Depressed, reluctant to move, aggressive, may vocalise, mydriasis

5 Increased moderate

As 4, but more pronounced

6 Moderate to severe

Very depressed, will not move even to urinate, vocalises often

7 Severe

Motionless, extremely depressed, vocalises

8 Increased severe

As 7, hyperalgesic wherever touched, trembling

9 Excruciating

Piercing screams, nearly comatose