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Fig. 2 | BMC Veterinary Research

Fig. 2

From: Phylodynamic analysis of the canine distemper virus hemagglutinin gene

Fig. 2

Maximum clade credibility tree based on 188 canine distemper virus H gene sequences. For each branch, the colour and thickness indicate the most probable location and most probable state, respectively. For key nodes, the size of the node cycle represents the posterior probability (PP), and support values are labeled above the nodes as either bootstrap (BS) or PP according to BS-NJ/PP-BEAST. Numbers in parentheses are the PP values of each location. The scale bar at the bottom shows the time in years. Strains are designated by accession number-year isolated (last two digits)-country abbreviation-strain name-host and are colored according to the host animal species. For each genotype, the geographic distribution and duration of isolation are also shown on the right. The modified live virus vaccine strains are shaded grey, potential recombinant strains are shaded yellow, and strains isolated in this study are shaded green. The tree was constructed using BEAST program

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