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Fig. 4 | BMC Veterinary Research

Fig. 4

From: Anatomical basis for the development of a thoracic duct cannulation model without thoracotomy in Large White pigs

Fig. 4

Structural relationships of the thoracic duct and its entry into the external jugular vein cranial to the first rib on the left side. The point of entry (a’) of the thoracic duct into the external jugular vein was located craniomedial to the first rib (r) on the left. The drawing is prepared with cranial to the left. a: thoracic duct; b: left tracheal trunk; c: left superficial cervical artery; e: left external jugular vein; g: left axillary artery; h: left internal thoracic artery; k: left subclavian artery; l: aorta; p: left costocervical artery; q: left costocervical vein; r: first left rib; w: brachiocephalic trunk; x: cranial vena cava

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