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Table 1 Summary of sentinel abattoirs selection approaches for Ontario provincial abattoirs (2001 – 2007)

From: Suitability of sentinel abattoirs for syndromic surveillance using provincially inspected bovine abattoir condemnation data

Sentinel site selection approach

Selection description

Number of abattoirs

Full dataset

Abattoirs processing at least 1 bovine carcass each year of study period (2001 – 2007)


Abattoirs open all weeks

Abattoirs processing at least 1 bovine carcass 52 weeks per year



Selection of abattoirs meeting the following criteria: processed at least 499 cattle per year, processed at least 1 bovine carcass 44 weeks or more per year, processed cattle representing all animal classes (calves, cows, heifers and steers)


Large abattoirs

Abattoirs processing ≥ 6500 cattle per year