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Figure 2 | BMC Veterinary Research

Figure 2

From: Detection and assessment of electrocution in endangered raptors by infrared thermography

Figure 2

Thermal analysis of the Lammergeier ( G. barbatus ). Case 2. (13) Thermal images of the left foot, taken (1) of the dorsal view and (2) of the lateral view on 17 April and (3) of the lateral view on 27 June. Initial designated left (L) leg and roman numerals designate each finger (I-IV). A physiological thermal pattern is observed in fingers I and II. (46) A histology section of left digit III stained with haematoxylin and eosin showing: (4) epidermis within normal limits (A) and deep dermis with broad linear segments of mixed inflammatory cells, oedema fluid and fragmented collagen fibres (B); (5) full thickness segmental coagulative necrosis with crushed keratinocyte nuclei (asterisk) and dermal collagenolysis (arrow head); (6) detail of mucinous material (asterisk) and smudged collagen fibres (arrow). Thermal images of eyes of two Lammergeiers. (13) Clinical case 2 before and during treatment: (1) Frontal view of the head taken on 17 April. The left eye is enclosed by a dotted line. A physiological thermal pattern is observed in the right eye. Lateral view of (2) the left eye and (3) the right eye, both taken on 27 June. (4, 5) Healthy Lammergeier, lateral view of (4) the left eye and (5) the right eye. The thermal range is the same for Figure 1(1-3) and for Figure 2(7-11).

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