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Figure 1 | BMC Veterinary Research

Figure 1

From: Loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) assays for the species-specific detection of Eimeria that infect chickens

Figure 1

Eimeria LAMP assay species-specificity. Electrophoresis of LAMP products amplified from a DNA panel representing Eimeria acervulina (lane 1), E. brunetti (2), E. maxima (3), E. mitis (4), E. necatrix (5), E. praecox (6), E. tenella (7) and the host (chicken, 8) as a background control. Panels represent LAMP assays specific for E. acervulina (a), E. brunetti (b), E. maxima (c), E. mitis (d), E. necatrix (e), E. praecox (f) and E. tenella (g).

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