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Table 1 Effects on gonado-somatic index, packed cell volume (PCV), total serum protein concentration, fasting blood sugar level, serum cortisol and epididymal sperm count following 60 days after single bilateral intratesticular injection of calcium chloride and surgical castration in male cats

From: Clinical Evaluation of Non-surgical Sterilization of Male Cats with Single Intra-testicular Injection of Calcium Chloride


Gonado-somatic index (Testes mass and body weight ratio; %)

Packed cell volume (PCV) (%)

Total serum protein (gm/dl)

Fasting blood sugar level (mg/dl)

Blood urea nitrogen (mg/dl)

Serum Cortisol (μg/ml)

Epididymal sperm count (No./ml)


0.081+ 0.006

25.56 + 1.12

6.78 + 0.42

62.45 + 2.11

14.05 + 1.43

4.35 + 0.92

6540 + 580

5% Calcium Chloride

0.068 + 0.005*

25.86 + 1.32

6.85 + 0.31

62.73 + 1.78

13.69 + 0.98

4.72 + 0.81

4250 + 218*

10% Calcium Chloride

0.045 +0.004**

26.10 + 1.61

7.10 + 0.45

61.95 + 2.14

14.56 + 1.52

4.84 + 0.76

1124 + 42**

20% Calcium Chloride

0.026 + 0.006**

26.18 + 1.84

7.26 + 0.54

62.21 + 1.62

14.42 + 1.31

4.86 + 0.95

102 + 15**

Surgical Castration


26.05+ 2.11

6.73 + 0.65

61.87 + 1.56

14.24 + 1.74

4.90 + 1.12


  1. Data presented as Mean + SE, n = 6.
  2. (* p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, as compared with their respective control).