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Table 3 Range and median of hematology, serum chemistry and urine parameters in Bernese Mountain dogs and control dogs at the first examination and after a median of 2.7 years.

From: Follow-up of Bernese Mountain dogs and other dogs with serologically diagnosed Borrelia burgdorferiinfection: What happens to seropositive animals?


Bernese Mountain dogs (N = 53)

Control dogs (N = 30)


Result of B. burgdorferi serology at the first examination


Reference range


positive (N = 22)

negative (N = 31)

positive (N = 11)

negative (N = 19)

Hematocrit [%]


1st ex.

41–63 (51)

41–60 (50)

40–57 (51)

43–54 (48)


2nd ex.

36–54 (46)

36–54 (46)

34–49 (44)

41–55 (47)


[P < 0.001]*

[P < 0.001]*

[P = 0.004]*

[P = 0.06]

Urea [mmol/L]


1st ex.

3.1–8.9 (6.7)

4.0–13.1 (6.5)

3.8–7.7 (5.6)

3.4–8.6 (5.6)


2nd ex.

3.9–13.7 (6.5)

3.6–15.1 (6.9)

2.8–6.4 (4.8)

1.7–6.7 (4.2)


[P = 0.73]

[P = 0.34]

[P = 0.21]

[P = 0.001]*

Creatinine [μmol/L]


1st ex.

80–120 (102)

74–155 (100)

72–119 (87)

66–114 (82)


2nd ex.

64–138 (108)

65–260 (99)

59–110 (78)

52–107 (72)


[P = 0.85]

[P = 0.96]

[P = 0.003]*

[P < 0.001]*

Protein [g/L]


1st ex.

58–74 (64)

43–74 (63)

53–65 (61)

50–67 (61)


2nd ex.

53–70 (64)

55–73 (64)

59–69 (61)

58–74 (63)


[P = 0.77]

[P = 0.002]*

[P = 0.28]

[P = 0.02]

Albumin [g/L]


1st ex.

25–33 (30)

21–34 (30)

28–35 (32)

28–35 (31)


2nd ex.

22–36 (33)

28–38 (35)

30–40 (33)

30–40 (35)


[P = 0.001]*

[P < 0.001]*

[P = 0.03]

[P < 0.001]*

Urine specific gravity


1st ex.

1.010–1.049 (1.030)

1.006–1.050 (1.028)

1.011–1.048 (1.021)

1.007–1.048 (1.027)


2nd ex.

1.006–1.050 (1.030)

1.007–1.050 (1.034)

1.012–1.046 (1.023)

1.006–1.042 (1.026)


[P = 0.21]

[P = 0.27]

[P = 0.81]

[P = 0.41]

Urine protein-to-creatinine ratio (UPC)


1st ex.

0.06–0.28 (0.11)

0.06–0.42 (0.11)

0.07–0.48 (0.12)

0.08–0.21 (0.11)


2nd ex.

0.05–0.36 (0.14)

0.06–0.44 (0.10)

0.06–0.92 (0.09)

0.06–0.53 (0.11)


[P = 0.05]

[P = 0.79]

[P = 0.13]

[P = 0.91]

Urine protein on dip stick


1st ex.

15 neg., 3 pos.

21 neg., 5 pos.

9 neg., 2 pos.

11 neg., 6 pos


2nd ex.

6 neg., 11 pos.

7 neg., 18 pos.

4 neg., 7 pos.

9 neg., 8 pos.


[P = 0.001]*

[P < 0.001]*

[P = 0.03]

[P = 0.27]

Micro-albuminuria test


1st ex.

11 neg., 8 pos.

22 neg., 4 pos.

10 neg.

14 neg., 3 pos.


2nd ex.

11 neg., 6 pos.

20 neg., 5 pos.

10 neg., 1 pos.

13 neg., 4 pos.


[P = 0.69]

[P = 0.25]

[P = 1.00]

[P = 1.00]

  1. *Significant difference between first and second examination at P < 0.006 due to Bonferroni correction.
  2. ex. = examination