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Table 5 Occurrence of defecation in response to the cotton swab method divided by fecal consistencies

From: The cotton swab method: an accurate and less invasive way to assess fecal consistency in weaned pigs

Dry-matter based fecal consistency


Predicted % (95% CI)



0.3 (0.04; 2.4)

Soft and shaped


0.8 (0.09; 6.2)

Loose (diarrhea)


12.6 (6.2; 23.9

Watery (diarrhea)


66.8 (42.0; 84.8

  1. The table displays the frequency and predicted percentage of pigs defecating in response to handling and performance of the cotton swab method; the measures are divided by the fecal consistency category assigned based on fecal dry-matter analyses. The predicted percentage of defecation was derived from a logistic model adjusting for the herd and age of the pigs