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Table 1 Thresholds for fecal dry-matter percentage defining four previously described fecal consistencies

From: The cotton swab method: an accurate and less invasive way to assess fecal consistency in weaned pigs

Fecal consistency: Qualitative description

Current study

Pedersen et al. [5]

Eriksen et al. [6, 13]

Total (mean)


 > 23.6a

 > 19.5

 > 22.7


Soft and shaped

 ≤ 23.6a

 ≤ 19.5

 ≤ 22.7

 ≤ 21.9

Loose (diarrhea)

 ≤ 16.8

 ≤ 18.0

 ≤ 15.0

 ≤ 16.6

Watery (diarrhea)

 ≤ 10.4

 ≤ 11.3

 ≤ 9.0

 ≤ 10.3

  1. Thresholds were established based on data from the scale validation phase of the current study compared to previously published thresholds, and a compromise (the crude mean) was suggested. The consistencies were first defined by Pedersen et al. [5, 9]
  2. a24.2% and 23.0% were equally good thresholds, so a compromise of 23.6% was selected