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Table 3 Mean values (M ± SD) of whole blood picture indices in Contgr (n = 30), OnlyBpgr (n = 210) and BpFlgr (n = 10) male camels

From: Camel filariasis (Dipetalonema evansi) and its association with clinical balanoposthitis with reference to prominent changes in clinical findings, serum testosterone, semen analysis, and testicular histopathology





Reference values

RBCs (X1012/L)

11.34 ± 3.63a

10.51 ± 2.63a

6.61 ± 1.34b

(7.5–12)20 or (15.05 ± 2.10)55

Hb (g/L)

136.08 ± 3.48a

121.28 ± 4.11a

82.28 ± 4.11b



0.31 ± 0.03a

0.34 ± 0.05a

0.32 ± 0.02a


TLC (X109/L)

11.44 ± 2.26b

17.69 ± 3.96a

19.33 ± 4.81a

(6–13.5)20 or (11.12 ± 1.89)58

Neutrophils (%)

56.05 ± 3.11b

65.36 ± 4.08a

55.73 ± 4.66b

(50–60)20 or (52.25 ± 0.85)57

Lymphocytes (%)

35.87 ± 4.82a

31.51 ± 3.88a

32.45 ± 2.87a

(30–45)20 or (34.25 ± 1.37)57

Monocytes (%)

5.26 ± 1.12a

3.5 ± 1.68a

4.76 ± 1.03a

(2–8)20 or (6.5 ± 0.86)57

Eosinophil (%)

2.32 ± 0.45b

2.25 ± 1.82b

12.51 ± 3.29a

(5.31 ± 0.1)55 or (6.5 ± 0.64)57

Band cells (%)

0.51 ± 0.46a

0.58 ± 0.33a

0.61 ± 0.29a

(2.53 ± 0.11)55

  1. Contgr: Control healthy group. OnlyBpgr: Only balanoposthitis without filariasis group. BpFlgr: Balanoposthitis-filariasis infected camels group. RBCs: Red blood corpuscles. Hb: Haemoglobin. PCV: Packed cell volume. TLC: Total leucocytic count. abMeans within the same row with different superscript letters were significantly different (P < 0.05) in different male camels’ groups. Reference values according to Fowler [20]; Adah et al. [55]; Poonia et al. [57]; Khalphallah et al. [58]