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Table 7 Hematological results for age groups and their respective blood components

From: Effects of the breed, sex and age on cellular content and growth factor release from equine pure-platelet rich plasma and pure-platelet rich gel


Horses younger than 5 years old

Horses between 5.1-10 years old

Horses older than 10.1 years old





Whole blood



Whole blood



Whole blood



RBC (106/μL)

6.8 (1.1)a

0.1 (0.1)b

0.0 (0.0)

6.4 (0.5)a

0.1 (0.0)c

0.0 (0.0)

6.3 (0.8)a

0.1 (0.2)c

0.0 (0.0)

WBC (103/μL)*

8.0 (2.9)c

6.0 (2.4)c

0.0 (0.1)

7.5 (2.2)a

4.3 (2.1)c

0.0 (0.0)

8.3 (1.9)a

3.3 (1.5)c

0.1 (0.0)

LY (%)

43.6 (5.6)a

61.0 (7.5)c

- -

38.9 (7.8)a

61.1 (9.1)c

- -

30.5 (7.3)a

54.0 (10.0)c

- -

MO (%)*

1.2 (1.5)

0.0 (0.0)

- -

1.8 (1.3)a

0.0 (1.3)b

- -

1.9 (1.1)

0.0 (1.3)

- -

EOS (%)*

4.9 (7.2)d

0.0 (0.0)

- -

4.1 (5.4)

0.0 (3.1)

- -

2.5 (2.8)

0.0 (4.4)

- -

GRA (%)

49.9 (4.6)a

36.3 (4.4)c

- -

56.6 (8.8)a

36.1 (11.3)c

- -

64.2 (9.5)a

42.9 (11.1)c

- -

PLT (103/μL)

170.5 (21.2)b,e

327.0 (50.5)b

110.4 (32.3)

165.7 (31.2)a

304.5 (48.1)c

103.2 (26.3)

167.4 (19.9)a

291.6 (29.1)c

104.5 (21.4)

MPV (fL)

3.2 (0.3)

3.0 (1.3)

3.1 (0.3)

3.5 (0.4)

3.8 (1.1)

3.4 (0.4)

3.4 (0.2)f

3.8 (0.3)b

3.3 (0.3)

PDW (%)

16.6 (1.0)b

16.7 (0.4)b

18.6 (0.9)

16.6 (0.7)a

17.1 (0.5)c

18.2 (0.6)

17.2 (0.6)c

17.3 (0.6)c

18.7 (0.7)

  1. Data are presented as mean (±s.d.).
  2. The initials like in Table 1. Letters denote SD for each independent age group in each blood component. a: SD (P<0.001) from P-PRP and, PPP. b: SD (P<0.05) from PPP. c: SD (P<0.001) from PPP. d: SD (P<0.05) from P-PRP and, PPP. e: SD (P<0.001) from P-PRP. f: SD (P<0.05) from P-PRP. †: SD (P<0.05) from horses older than 10.1 years old.*Data are presented as median (IR).